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Aufwuchs Abundance Abstract

Submitted by malberigi on Wed, 04/04/2018 - 11:53

In this study we propose to investigate the effects of urbanization on the density and diversity of periphyton in the Sylvan Stream. Periphyton are indicators of aquatic environmental conditions and serve as the primary producers in freshwater food webs. In this experiment, there will be 8 teams that will sample different sites along the Sylvan Stream.  The 8 sites of collection will span 800 m of the river starting 15 m from Sylvan Residential Area. Microscope slides will be used as a surface by which to collect periphyton over the course of two weeks. The collected slides will be analyzed by light microscope and compared. As a result of this experiment, we hope to provide insight about local effects of pollution radiating from a point of origin on nearby watershed.
