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Article Analysis 3

Submitted by tedarling on Sat, 02/10/2018 - 19:06

These researchers investigated whether cricket calling-bout length was correlated with predator avoidance behavior. It is known that male crickets call to attract mates, however this behavior also poses as a significant predation risk. Calling lengths were measured using audio monitors over several days. Predator avoidance was measured by analyzing cricket behavior; Specifically, their likelihood to emerge when transferred from a safe shelter to a new potentially dangerous environment. The data show that calling-bout length and latencies to emerge were significantly and positively correlated. The males that called for longer, also took longer to leave their refuge. This experiment related to Elder’s because it also deals with the balance of sexual selection and natural selection. However, this experiment shows that crickets with longer calls have adapted to the increased predation risk by exhibiting more cautious behavior.

