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1/26/18 Larva Observation Notes

Submitted by benjaminburk on Fri, 01/26/2018 - 15:01


  • Moving
  • Alive
  • Kind of looks like a maggot
  • Long skinny tail (gets darker towards the end)
  • Moves like a caterpillar
  • Structures inside (almost transparent)
  • Brownish
  • Multiple little legs
  • Might have a mouth
  • Wood shavings have stuck to it
  • Freezes up when touched
  • Sticking to the outside of the dish
  • Except for when touched or had the dish disturbed it has not stopped moving
  • Doesn’t appear to have much control of its tail
  • The body when fully stretched out is approximately 15mm long
  • The tail is approx. 35mm long meaning the organism as a whole is about 50mm


  • What is it?
  • What is its natural environment?
  • What does it eat?
  • What is its classifications? Insect? Invertebrate?
  • Does it have bones?
  • How big does it get?
  • Can it see?
  • Defense mechanisms?


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