Katheryn Ruzzoli: Spider PP
Sitting on the desk in a little plastic cup in front me was a small spider. His body was about the size of a grain of rice and segmented into two sections and he was mostly a golden brown color with a spot of black on the second segment of his body. Emerging from the smaller, front segment of his body were 8 long spindly legs. Each leg was segmented into three parts by two different joints. These joints looked to create bends in the les that added to the spiders mobility. Each joint was marked by a white spot at the bend that was sandwiched by two black spots on the outside of the joint. The rest of each leg was the same golden brown color held by the majority of the rest of the spider. His front two legs were the longest of his legs and seemed to be used in order to feel his way around and as a way to know his surroundings. He was rather still and motionless for a mjority of the time while I was observing him, however, when he did move, he moved all legs individually and seemed to have independent control of each limb. He moved gracefully and was unbothered by the outside movement of the cup. If I were to hold the cup and flip it upside down he would remain stable in place. After observing him in this environment, a small plastic cup, I would guess that his movements would be much different in his own habitat.
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