
Submitted by cynthiaguzma on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 10:39

The hypothesis is rejected because the reaction occurred slower then the control's reaction did. The reaction decreased. Not only that but the reaction did not last as long as the control's. At five minutes the reaction had stopped all together which might have been because there was no more substrate. It might have also been because of the high temperature the hydrogen peroxide was placed in, which is where the yeast was also held. Since the temperature was at 65 degrees Celsius, that might have been too high for the protein causing it to become denatured. Once denatured it loses its shape. No more substrate the reaction cannot continue. Connecting this lab to the real world, enzymes are found in many parts of the human body from the mouth, used to breakdown food this called saliva. To the stomach as well to the digestive system. These enzymes work best at certain temperatures, which is evident in the lab conducted. The body regulates the temperature which ensures that the enzymes work at their best and are not denatured.



Submitted by cynthiaguzma on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 10:38

The equation we found for the period of a pendulum was T= 2π(L/g). Given that pi and g are constants with actual numeric values, this means that the only actual variables in the equation are T (period) and L(length) meaning that there has to be a relationship between the two variables. To verify the equation that we found, we have to identify the independent and dependent variables. Independent would be the period and length would the dependent as it’s the only variable we can actually change ourselves. Given that we want a linear relationship, we have to make sure that the formula follows the y = mx+ b format where the dependent variable is multiplied by some constant to get y. To get this we have to change the equation so that L is isolated on the right side of the equation. Therefore T2 = (2/g)L. This means that when we graph the data, we have to square the period that we find to get a linear graph. To actually get the data, we decided to use a piece of string attached to a mass (mass is not important to this lab, so we choose a random value) and then swung it from a constant angle (which again, also didn’t really matter as angle was not included in the equation) and calculated the period of the swing. Then we recorded what we found.




Submitted by cynthiaguzma on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 10:36

The shoe price of the rubber sample, shoe, depends on the durability of the product a cheaper shoe will last a lot less to the consumer in comparison to an expensive shoe which can be seen in the durability table. With each sample there is a six month difference in durability between the previous sample and it can be seen that the most expensive sample, 2, does not last the longest but it does have the highest coefficient at .88. A higher coefficient was dependent on the force of friction that was found, a smaller friction force would lead to a smaller coefficient, this can be seen in the coefficient data table.



Submitted by cynthiaguzma on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 10:35


After analyzing all the data it is clear that there is only one choice for which sample to choose and it is sample 2. All though the price of what will be the shoe is a lot more then what is wanted the other samples cannot compare to the quality of sample 2 making it the best and only choice. People will buy Nike shoes no matter the price if a shoe of low quality, sample 1, is sold people will have lower expectations for Nike the shoe will wear out quickly and people will not buy the shoes again. The amount of grip the shoes has also plays an important role, sample 3 which has the longest durability does not have the best grip which will not end in a great product. Sample 2 lasts a good amount of time which will keep the quality of the brand while having a better grip giving the consumers a great product that they will buy no matter the price.


Writing for persuasion 3/22

Submitted by cbbailey on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 10:29

In the event that a retrovirus is killing domestic dogs and we are only able to save one breed, the breed of dog that we should save would be German shepherds. The main reason I believe we should save this breed over the others is due to its variety in use to as service dogs for human. Unlike many other breeds of dogs, German Shepherds are used in many different services unlike some other species which are more specialized to 1 or 2 particular focus. Some of the uses of German shepherds include use in the military, police, search and rescue, and guide dogs. These services provided very important to our lives and with the loss of these with the loss of the domestic dog population could result in many human lives lost for a multitude of different reasons. For this reason, since German Shepherds are able, and currently used, for all of these vital services they should be the breed of Dogs we choose to save.

Draft 3/22 #2

Submitted by lpotter on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 09:59

This is not directly science related but is related to work that I had to do for my biochemistry class. We had to reflect on the exam that we just took. See if there were any questions we missed due to carelessness or just general misunderstanding. Another question was if we had any effective study methods for the exam. I’m not sure if anyone will read this but if they do it might be a helpful way to study for a test that might be considered harder. The teach provides us with a practice exam that is relatively comprehensive. I went over the practice exam multiple times, not to memorize answers but just to keep doing the process of solving the problems. Every question that was asked on the practice exam I went back through the lectures and took notes on them. I also watched the lecture videos to coordinating sections. I did this before I even tried to answer the question so that I would have all the information right there for me before I even answered it. I then took notes on the notes that I took. I did it all out by hand because this really helps me memorize and better understand my notes. When I write something down by hand I can better visualize it when I am sitting down for the exam.

Draft 3/22

Submitted by lpotter on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 09:54

Quorum sensing is a really tricky topic to understand. It is basically how bacteria talk with one another. One bacteria sends out a chemical signal and the bacteria that it is sent to has a receptor, if it can receive the signal it reacts accordingly and if it can’t than the signal will never be received. Signals can tell bacteria to do a whole bunch of different things, express a different color pigment, move to a new area where there are different nutrients, etc. The way that we are testing for this in lab is by plating a mutant bacteria that no longer can produce it’s own signal. However, it can receive signals and the way that we could tell if it receives a signal from other bacteria on the plate is by seeing what color the mutant colony turns. We are looking for the mutant colony to turn purple. We are sending the mutant many different signals. The signals are coming from 4 different bacterial colonies and all the signals are different sizes. If the mutant colony turns purple close to where the signals were provided that means that it can receive that kind of signal from that kind of bacteria.  

The Slow Death of the Past

Submitted by tokiokobayas on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 09:40

    Radios and TVs seem to slowly be dying as time goes on. A lot less people listen to the radio now that it’s becoming increasingly easier to either plug your phone into the car’s speakers with an aux cord, or to simply connect it via bluetooth. Not as many people these days have a television inside their homes, as watching shows on your laptop or desktop seems to be the more preferred option. Why watch something with your family, when you can each watch something you all enjoy the most at the same time without disrupting the others? These things that were staples from our times as kids, as now slowly become obsolete as console gaming, as well as cable are becoming less and less relevant. Is it possible that eventually, these forms of communication will become so obsolete that television channels will slowly cease to exist? Will radio stations stop existing? It seems like it’s only a matter of time until these things will become completely irrelevant and stop existing all together.

The Growth of eSports

Submitted by tokiokobayas on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 09:22

    Currently, the largest eSport based off playerbase is League of Legends, which has a playerbase of roughly 100 million players across the globe. An esport is a team game that is played online, pitting one team against another. While at its very core it is simply a video game, the market for the community is massive. League of Legends’ parent company is called Riot Games, and its company alone is estimated to have a 21 billion dollar net value. The organizations that participate in these huge tournaments as well are very large as well, with some of the top organizations in North America being Cloud9, Team SoloMid, and Team Liquid, each with a net value of 310 million, 250 million, and 200 million dollars respectively. People seem to want to ridicule the scene and its players, but the fact that esports have grown as large as they have is undeniable. Some argue that “it’s only a video game” and that “anyone could do what they do”. While it’s undeniable that it’s simply a video game, to argue that “anyone can do what they do” is a deeply uneducated opinion. That’s like saying that if any regular joe wanted to, as long as he enjoyed playing chess he could easily become a grandmaster.

The Stigma Against Socialism Perfect Paragraph

Submitted by tokiokobayas on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 01:55

    In current society, there lies a stigma against socialism as if it goes against capitalism and democracy in the United States. In reality, socialism does not go against either of these, and in fact can exist happily with both. Socialism is the idea that people who earn a greater salary, get taxed more in order to help pay for programs that are beneficial for society. These taxes are relative to a person’s income, therefore everyone is taxed roughly the same percentage off their paycheck. These programs include programs such as medicare, medicaid, free higher education, free health care, and more. The main argument against socialism argues that the reward from earning a higher salary is diminished due to higher taxes, and instead “punishes the rich”. Although it is true that the more a person makes, the more they are taxed, but that does not mean that everything they are earning is being put into taxes. The social programs are also beneficial to society as a whole, and people of all wealth classes benefit from them being free. It is understandable that multi-millionaires might be getting taxed a couple thousand, if not tens of thousands of dollars more than the average worker making minimum wage, but that money is being put into good use. It does not mean that those who earn more will eventually earn the same amount as everyone else--socialism is not communism, they’re severely different.


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