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The Growth of eSports

Submitted by tokiokobayas on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 09:22

    Currently, the largest eSport based off playerbase is League of Legends, which has a playerbase of roughly 100 million players across the globe. An esport is a team game that is played online, pitting one team against another. While at its very core it is simply a video game, the market for the community is massive. League of Legends’ parent company is called Riot Games, and its company alone is estimated to have a 21 billion dollar net value. The organizations that participate in these huge tournaments as well are very large as well, with some of the top organizations in North America being Cloud9, Team SoloMid, and Team Liquid, each with a net value of 310 million, 250 million, and 200 million dollars respectively. People seem to want to ridicule the scene and its players, but the fact that esports have grown as large as they have is undeniable. Some argue that “it’s only a video game” and that “anyone could do what they do”. While it’s undeniable that it’s simply a video game, to argue that “anyone can do what they do” is a deeply uneducated opinion. That’s like saying that if any regular joe wanted to, as long as he enjoyed playing chess he could easily become a grandmaster.
