Ethogram Abstract
The everyday behaviors that female foals of the Equus Caballus species exhibit help to define the communication tendencies between foals, who they are with, and what context they are in. By examining different bouts of behavior, categories can be formed to understand the spectrum of actions that the young foals use to convey messages. The data is used to evaluate the difference in foal behaviors depending on social context and how often each behavior is performed. Long hours of observation and distinct behaviors were captured and described to be put into tables. Recordings were analyzed through reliability, time-budget, and sequential analyses. Reliability analyses shows how dependable the scoring of the behaviors was executed. The time-budget analysis shows how much time the foal spend performing each category of behavior. The sequential analysis shows the probability of one behavior following another. After the collection and analyzation of the behaviors of female foal interactions, it is concluded that the context that the foals find themselves in have a large impact on which behaviors they exhibit. Some of these contexts call for a display behavior for communication, and the foals are able to perform interactive displays.
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