Draft: Lab 2 Results II
The Protein BLAST of Bradi1g72430 resulted in matches that covered the majority of the query sequence. The majority of the matches were to SRF7 and SRF6 in various species, and there was a 100% query cover and identity match to the SRF7 protein in B. distachyon. When matches were searched for in the Brachypodium genome, the >90% query cover matches were mostly to SRF7, SRF8, and SRF3 proteins. The rest of the sequences only matched to the protein kinase domain around 400 residues in. The Bradi1g72430 protein sequence search in plant genomes resulted in >90% query cover matches to SRF7 and SRF6 proteins in different species. When searched for in non-plant species, there were only matches to protein kinases.
There were two generally conserved domains shown in BLAST: leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) roughly from residues 40-250 and the kinase domain with an ATP binding site roughly from residues 420-700. When the gene was searched in the European Bioinformatics Institute website, two homologous superfamilies were listed: leucine-rich repeat domain superfamily from residues 38-265 and the protein kinase-like domain superfamily from residues 402-690. Protein kinases modify proteins by adding phosphate groups to them, and LRRs are 20-29 residue-long structures primarily involved in protein-protein interactions.
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