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The Game

Submitted by tokiokobayas on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 20:43

    In modern society, there exists “the game”. “The game” refers to dating, and the term “the game” was a term that was coined back in 1965, as it was the name of a television show. The term quickly grew and is now commonly popular with young adults when used in reference to dating. Everybody has their own way of “playing the game”, but I would argue that the game does not necessarily exist. To view dating and finding a potential partner as sort of a game with rules that must adamantly be followed, is immature in my opinion. If someone enjoys the other’s company, they will make themselves present and make time to incorporate other people into their lives. There’s no game, there’s just that simple law of attraction that exists. For example, a common “rule” young adults seem to follow, is that if someone replies to your text 12 minutes later, then you should wait 12 minutes before responding. This is a childish method of interacting with others, as it takes something like a response time, and someone’s attraction, and assuming a correlation exists between the two when in reality the two are not in relation via causation. Again, if someone’s attraction is valid, they will make the time to interact. The “game” does not contain any rules, it’s just following the flow of someone’s individual method of expressing attraction.
