Spider Observations

Submitted by tcarmichael on Fri, 09/07/2018 - 15:05

Spider is active until plastic container is laid still. Within a couple seconds, the spider begins moving along the edge of the container, perhaps in attempt to free itself. The spider is light gray, almost transparent in color. It’s legs are much longer than its body. When the spider moves, it walks on 4 legs, using the middle four almost as eyes, meaning they touch everything before the spider moves. Its legs are divided into three sections, all bent at different angles to aid the spider in holding itself upside down on the lid of the container. The spider has 2 big eyes that are a dirty white in color, so they are lighter than the rest of its body, but also look transparent. The greater part of its body is a mix between a light gray and brown color. The legs are coming out of the top of the body, thus exposing the lower portion of the spiders abdomen. The legs are very long. The spider itself is about the size of a quarter.

Spider draft

Submitted by msalvucci on Fri, 09/07/2018 - 15:04

The organism I am looking at is slightly see through. It has I think 3 body segments with 8 legs. The body segments are roughly 2 millimeters wide by 1 millimeter wide. The abdomen is the longest body segment and sticks out. The legs come out from the thorax I believe. The legs are jointed with brown spots are each joint. The legs are extremely long and hold up the body. They look very disproportionate to the body size as they are extremely thin. The body segment is very dark and less see trough compared to the legs. The organism is hanging upside down and I am not sure how. It has a teeny tiny mouth where it probably eats teeny tiny foods. The mouth has tiny antler looking things on the outside of it. The legs look a little bit polka-dotted. The organism is most likely a spider – an Arthropoda to be exact. The spider is moving around with twitchy leg movements and is moving very slowly – not precisely at all. The legs are flailing everywhere. The legs look a little bit fuzzy the more I look at them, but that could just be blurry vision. The front two legs are longer than the other legs. The 2nd to last legs are the shortest. When I touch the outside of the glass, the spider scrunches up and looks very scared and timid, almost as if it is trying to make itself smaller and hide. The spider is now not moving and it looks like it is either sleeping or relaxing. It is probably scared of me because I tapped the plastic cup – sorry. I am not sure if there is a web, and I do not see any other abscess coming from the abdomen like other people noticed. 5 mins later - Now it is starting to make a web! It is making a web across the flat part of the Tupperware thing. Sometimes it points it two first legs at me when it gets angry I am assuming. It is just hanging there. 

Cellar Spider Observation Data- MM

Submitted by mmaliha on Fri, 09/07/2018 - 15:02

Observation Exercise


2 spiders.  1 very large. Legs are folded in 3 parts. 2 kneecap like sections.


The bigger spider is darker in body color- more brown. First kneecaps are dark brown/almost black. Second kneecaps contain a white section.

Both spiders go through periods of rest where they don't move around. Bigger spider seems to stay still despite small movement in the container. Vigorous shaking needs to be applied before they start moving again.


Their main body seem to be a yellowish quartz-crystal like structure, with a hole on the terminal end, which is not connected to the assembly of 8 legs. During their resting period, this main body (crystal-like in shape) lays on a flat surface. However, when all the legs are folded, their posterior seems to be a little lifted (perhaps 1/8 of an inch from the surface) The legs are coming out of the side of the thorax/head (however you distribute the anatomy) whereby two black dots can be observed. The first dot, closer to the abdomen is bigger in size , and a smaller dot (in closer observation, a collection of perhaps, eyes).


Would love to know where the mouth is.


The leg color (brown) is different from the color of the thorax (lighter brown) and the abdomen (yellow-whitish).

Smaller spider has similar abdomen (in terms of color and size ratio to the legs) , however, its legs are much lighter in color and thinner. Smaller spider is perhaps also younger.

There seems to be a hole in the back of the abdominal/thoracic area







Spider Observation

Submitted by fmillanaj on Fri, 09/07/2018 - 15:00

My spider is not doing anything, but it looks like its hanging in midair, probably with the help of really thin spider web. It has about 7 or 8 long and thin legs. It has a short thick body. It looks like it has a bunch of eyes on its head, but I am not sure. I almost dropped the containor and now the spider is awake/is thrashing around the container. I flashed my phone's flash light for a brief moment on the spider, and got no response. After 10 mintues, the spider stopped moving agan. It's body is almost transulscent.

9/7/18 - Spider Paragraph- Erin Hardy

Submitted by eehardy on Fri, 09/07/2018 - 14:59

The spider appears to be a very small “Daddy Long Legs.” It is about the size of an average pinky nail. Its legs are very long and slender in proportion to it’s midsection. Both it’s legs and the top of its midsection are a very pale brown, but the underside of it’s midsection is whitish. Its midsection is comprised of two round sections, one appears to be a “head” and is small and round, while the other is a longer, slender oval and appears to be the body. It has 8 legs. The front legs towards the head are longer than the back legs. When the spider is in a resting position, most of its legs extend up, relatively straight out, and then diagonally back down to the ground, forming an obtuse half rectangular shape. These legs are triple jointed. A couple of its other legs are double jointed and extend up at a smaller angle relative to its body, and then back down.  It constantly prods at the walls of the cup it is in, appearing to be making efforts to escape. Its legs can move up and down, but also in a lateral motion. Sometimes it moves its legs in circular motions while prodding at the edge of the cup. When it is not doing these movements, it remains very still.  


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