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Data analysis

Submitted by cslavin on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 15:12

Groups will compare the numbr of volunteer species present for their host species in the individual and group potted environments. Information about volunteer species diversity for each host in both potted environments will be recorded in a Google spreadsheet. This information will be used to do a side by side comparison of the diveristy of volunteer plants in individual and group potted environments for all the host plants included. From the class data, patterns and trends will be recorded to make inferences about the observed data. The area that each volunteer species covers in an individual and group pot will be recorded. The ratio of the amount of area covered by a volunteer species will be calculated by dividing the total area covered by a volnteer species by the total area of the pot. For all group pots, the area will be 16 m2.


Submitted by cslavin on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 15:06

The research conducted will be beneficial for those who work in greenhouses or are involved in botany. The findings will tell us about the diversity of volunteer species of individually and group potted plants. There are present studies looking into the effects of specidic volunteer plants on host , but they mainly focus on crops. The research that this proposal takes into account involves the growth of volunteer plants in two different potted environments. The findings from this research will present data that may be useful for greenhouses and botanists when deciding which potted environments may be favorable for plant growth. The findings on total area for each volunteer species covers will also be beneficial for greenhouses and botanists to determine the invasiveness of volunteer species in individually potted and group potted evironments. This research will lay the groundwork for further research that could be done to test the invasiveness of the same species of volunteer plants in individual and group potted environments.

Horse Ethogram Introduction

Submitted by afeltrin on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 13:06

For these specific videos, we were given to observe the different behaviors of Equus caballus or horses. There are countless contrasting behaviors that the horses displayed throughout the video. Some behaviors might involve more movement requiring more energy such as galloping or jumping while running as to some behaviors barely require much energy such as tail twitch or moving its head. Some parts of the video, it looked as if the horses were frozen just standing there still and not really doing anything. The different movements or behaviors displayed throughout the two videos were divided into numerous sections. Observing the video, behaviors were categorized into feeding, playing, locomotion, submission, defecation, and aggression.

Draft: Oxidative Phosphorylation

Submitted by aspark on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 12:36

At the end of the citric acid cycle, the reduced electron carriers contain the majority of the energy from glucose. Through oxidative phosphorylation, energy released by redox reactions is coupled indirectly to ATP synthesis. There are two coupled processes. First, in the electron transport chain, redox reactions transfer electrons from the reduced electron carriers to oxygen, and energy released is used to form a proton gradient by pumping protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space. Four multienzyme complexes catalyze the redox reactions. Complex I receives electrons from NADH and pumps protons while complex II receives electrons from FADH2 but does not pump protons. Coenzyme Q then receives electrons from complex I and II and donates electrons to complex III. Complex III then donates electrons to cytochrome C, a water-soluble protein. Complex IV then receives electrons from cytochrome C. Throughout this process, electrons are moving from molecules with low affinity to those with high affinity. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor at the end of the transport chain. The energy stored in the proton gradient is then released as protons flow back to the matrix through the ATP synthase proton channel. The flow from higher to lower concentrations releases energy. ATP synthase uses the energy released to form ATP.


Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 11:49

The significance of this study is to show what effect the different burial depths do to germination of the Silybum marianum. The experiment that we are using to base our project on used an entirely different kind of plant from a different region. Also this paper is from 1999 so the data could be outdated. So, by doing this experiment now with a plant from New England we can see if the results are similar to the plants from the great lakes. That way we can compare these plants to see if they react the same to the different depths of germination. This way we can learn more about the fauna of New England and also learn more about this family of plants. We can also find out if the change of the Earth Since 1999 has changed the results of this experiment at all.

Ethogram Observations

Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 11:47

After collecting data of the observed behaviors and placing them into behavioral categories, we concluded the categories to be normal, innate behaviors of young foals. Each behavioral category is seen multiple times in the total 48 minutes and 55 seconds of footage and a total number of 65 individuals behaviors were documented. The playful behavioral category had 11 specific behaviors performed by the foals that were described and documented (Table 1). The aggression category shows 9 different behaviors of the foals (Table 2). The feeding behavioral category had a total of 10 unique foal behaviors (Table 3). Locomotion behavioral category of the foals had a total of 7 behaviors (Table 4). The grooming behavioral category had the most classified behaviors with a total of 15 (Table 5). The affection behavioral category had the least amount with 3 behaviors (Table 6). The behavioral category of observation had a total of 8 behaviors listed (Table 7). By weeding through the repetitions and similarities of the collected behaviors, we were able to formulate a well organized set of tables and learn about the constant signals that Morgan horses use to communicate.



Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 11:46

The first part of the Ethogram project had us closely analyze the everyday behaviors of a small group of female Equus caballus (Morgan horses). After observing the horses for a total of 48 minutes and 55 seconds, we recorded the many different behaviors of two female foals (aged 2 to 4 months) with two mares at the Umass Amherst Equestrian Center in Amherst Massachusetts during late summer. To record these behaviors, we captured the still images of these behaviors and recorded the time that the behavior took place in the results tables. Seven individual behavioral categories were derived. The individual behaviors were described in greater detail and, based on what the behavior fell under, put into behavioral category tables.


Prenatal Testosterone and behavior

Submitted by alanhu on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 11:39

An experiment was first conducted on rats to determine how prenatal testosterone in males can change behavior. It was found that rats with more testosterone at a young age had more impulsive decisions than female rats. Then the experiment went onto to include human beings. Male children approximately around the age of 3 with prenatal testosterone were compared to female children around the age of 3. The experiment involved a rewards system where the children were given the option of obtaining an instant reward or waiting to obtain a larger reward. For example, the instant reward would include one marshmallow and if they were to wait the child would be given two marshmallows. The males would choose to have the instant prize knowing that if they waited longer they would have gotten a bigger prize more often compared to females. It showed clear signs of ADHD as the males had more signs of attention problems and overactive behavior.


Lab 2 Discussion

Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 11:38

By analyzing the speed of the reactions performed and how the differences in temperature impacted them, we were able to conclude that the higher the temperature at which the reaction is conducted, the faster the reaction time, and the lower the activation energy. The previously calculated rate of the reaction helped us calculate K, and after converting the temperature to kelvin, we were able to graph the -Ea/R to show the activation energy. The increase in temperature would explain the decrease in activation energy because the higher the temperature, the lower the magnitude of the bond energy. This means that the bonds are more likely to break faster because they are weaker than they would be at cooler temperatures. This experiment was successful in explaining the connection between the temperature that a reaction is run at and the amount of activation energy needed to start the reaction.


Experiment 3 Procedure

Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 11:37

In experiment 3, we were asked to take different volumes of H₂O, ~0.5M H2C2O4 and  ~0.02M KMnO4. We ran three different experiments with three different volume combinations using the burette to mix the solutions. We then timed how long it took for the solution to change color depending on the volume of each solution. After doing each experiment with three trials, we were able to find the relationship between volume concentration by calculating the rate.



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