The Stigma Against Socialism Perfect Paragraph
In current society, there lies a stigma against socialism as if it goes against capitalism and democracy in the United States. In reality, socialism does not go against either of these, and in fact can exist happily with both. Socialism is the idea that people who earn a greater salary, get taxed more in order to help pay for programs that are beneficial for society. These taxes are relative to a person’s income, therefore everyone is taxed roughly the same percentage off their paycheck. These programs include programs such as medicare, medicaid, free higher education, free health care, and more. The main argument against socialism argues that the reward from earning a higher salary is diminished due to higher taxes, and instead “punishes the rich”. Although it is true that the more a person makes, the more they are taxed, but that does not mean that everything they are earning is being put into taxes. The social programs are also beneficial to society as a whole, and people of all wealth classes benefit from them being free. It is understandable that multi-millionaires might be getting taxed a couple thousand, if not tens of thousands of dollars more than the average worker making minimum wage, but that money is being put into good use. It does not mean that those who earn more will eventually earn the same amount as everyone else--socialism is not communism, they’re severely different.
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