Draft: Lab Report 3 III
In the phylogenetic tree created on the MAFFT program, there were 37 redundant entries removed, and about four natural groupings could be identified. There were no clear outliers on the tree (Figure 6). The Bradi1g72430 gene was found to be most closely related to a Oryza sativa gene, OSNPB_030183800. Within its natural grouping, the gene was most closely related to O. sativa and Brachypodium distachyon, then Arabidopsis thaliana genes (Figure 6).
Cross-sectioning of wildtype and mutant plant stems revealed mutant stems to have a smaller diameter than wild type, and based on the dyed sections, mutant plants seem to have thicker polysaccharide and lignin walls with smaller openings in the center of the stem.
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