This week I babysat my friends hamster, Cayenne. She is a Syrian Hamster. Cayenne is a large hamster so we nicknamed her Chubby. Everyday, I had to make sure she had enough food. Cayenne needs about 1/3 cup of hamster food everyday and every other day she can have fresh vegetables and fruits. To get her use to me, I wore gloves in case she would bite and gave her a sunflower seed as treats. I filled her water bottle and when I was down to about 1/4 full, I refilled it for her. Hamsters are nocturnal, so when I was in class I would cover her tank with a blanket and closed the blinds so she could sleep. Around 7 or 8pm she would start moving and then when she was fully awake by 9 or 10pm, I would take her out so she could run around in her hamster ball for about 45 minutes. After then, I would put her back in the tank so she could get some food and water. After that she spends all nigh on her wheel, which can get quite loud sometimes. Cayenne is asleep by the time I get up for class in the morning.
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