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Parkinson's disease

Submitted by alanhu on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 11:28

Parkinson’s Disease is a disorder that affects the central nervous system. Signs and symptoms include tremors, rigidity, bradykinesia, and akinesia. There are reasons to suspect that certain signs and symptoms come from the medication that are being consumed to help with PD. Medication such as Levodopa, an antiparkinsonian medication. An experiment was conducted to see how people with PD would reacts to commands when they are on Levodopa or not. Results showed that PD volunteers, who were introduced to the drug or not had a lower false alarm rates on the high reward. The premise of the experiment was to see the reaction rate of the volunteers with or without the drug. Even if the volunteer wanted to move faster their bodies cannot and there was a difference between the volunteers taking and not taking the drug. The results of the study can be used to design new drugs that can improve motor initiations. Now we know that the current drugs are not allowing people with PD to move fast enough. 




"Medication such as Levodopa, an antiparkinsonian medication." is not a full sentence. 

change to: "to see how people would react." 

Briefly explain bradykinesia and akinesia. Also you could combine the second and third sentences by saying something like "...bradykinesia, and akinesia, however there is suspicion that some of these symptoms may be caused by certain medications used to treat Parkinson's."