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AT1g61610 has ZCP4 Promoter cis-element

Submitted by ewinter on Thu, 04/18/2019 - 23:49

AT1g61610 is paralogous to AT4g21390, and AT4g21390 is gene B120, so it is homologous to gene B120 in Brachypodium distachyon, which is our gene of interest. AT1g61610 was found to have a Zinniacysteine protease 4 (ZCP4) promoter cis-element-like sequence 1000 b.p. upstream, and the ZCP4 promoter governs tracheary element differentiation (Pyo et al. 2007). This cis-element is known as tracheary-element-regulating-cis-element (TERE). 61 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana were found to include this cis-element 1000 b.p. upstream. These genes were Arabidopsis tracheary element differentiation related genes. Their functions include programmed cell death, cell wall biosynthesis and modification, lignification, phosphorylation, photosynthesis, and unclassified function. The presence of this cis-element-like sequence implicates AT1g61610 in the development of xylem, although nothing further is known to this end. Xylem are the vesicles in plants that transport water up from the roots to the leaves. The development of xylem includes lignification and secondary cell wall formation. This finding may help design experiments to elucidate the function of gene B120 in B. distachyon, which remains largely unknown.



Who are you reffering to when you say "our gene of interest"?

In your third sentence you should use thw words sixty-one instead of the number.