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Invented Mammal PP

Submitted by nalexandroum on Fri, 03/29/2019 - 16:47

Mycospondylus mesanyctus is a small nocturnal carnivore that belongs to the family Felidae and the subfamily Felinae. Standing at a height of between 15 and 20cm, with a length of 25-30cm (excluding its tails) and weighing about 1 kg, it is one of the world’s smallest wild cats. It is a digitigrade quadruped with elongated phalanges and laterally ridged paw pads that—alongside the modified ball and socket joints in its shoulders and hips, and hyper flexible ligaments that increase its range of rotational motion—enable it to climb huge trees with trunks made of smooth bark. The midnight cat has sleek blue-black fur that helps it blend into shadows, and a hairless circle in the center of its forehead: this is its “moon”, a patch of specialized bioluminescent skin cells that the midnight cat uses to lure in its prey when hunting at night. Its primary tail is framed by four highly flexible secondary tails that are packed with electroreceptors, and mushroom-like growths line the top of its body from its head to the base of its tails. It has large eyes and ears, giving Mycospondylus both excellent vision and hearing. Males and females of the species look pretty much identical, except for the “antlers” that females have on their heads in between their ears. These are not actually antlers, but are flexible tubes of muscle and skin with pheromone glands at the base. They are usually held down and tucked flat against the head and neck; females will only raise their “antlers” to signal when they are in heat.



Genus and specie should be in italics. 

Do not use words like "pretty much equal" because that is more conversational

Include a space between the numbers and cm. I would split up the third sentence into two - "...paw pads that enable it to climb..." and then "This adaptation is due to the modified ball and socket..." or something of the sort.

I would suggest just breaking up your third sentence, as its length reduces its flow.