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Week6 PP

Submitted by mqpham on Sat, 03/02/2019 - 11:43

Overall differences in the panels of the figures were first noted. This included the shade of color used in each square of the panels in the two figures. In the original, the green is lighter in panel A. In figure 1, panel B, the color used was rose, but the replication, a color closer to maroon is used. The shade of purple used is lighter in panel C of the original, but the blue is a lighter shade in the replication in panel D of figure 2. The labeling of the figures are different as well. In the original multi-panel figure, the labels are placed in the furthest corner of the panels, but in the replication, the labels are placed in the corner of the images themselves. Furthermore, no captions that detail the species and their interactions are provided in the replication. Lastly, the quality of the images were immediately noticed as well, with the clearer images being in the original multi-panel figure.



I think your topic sentence is overly general and could be improved if you listed out the "overall differences" that you go on to explain in the paragraph. For instance, you could say "Differences in color, labeling, captions, and image quality were observed."

The topic sentence should be reconstructed to list the general areas of differences. You don't have to directly mention that the labeling is different since the whole paragraph is about differences between the figures. 

Capitilize "Figure" when referring to specific figures.