The contents of the photos, specifically the tree and the background, are different in the two figures. The tree captured in figure 1 is thicker than the tree in figure 2. In addition, the tree in figure 1 is covered in moss. The tree in figure 2 does not have any moss on it. In figure 1, the tree has a rectangular black sign saying “Honey Locust,” whereas the tree in figure 2 does not have any sign on it. The surface of the tree in figure 1 is rough and uneven. The surface of the tree in figure 2 is more smooth in comparison. The background of both figures also differs. The Life Sciences Building appears larger in figure 2 than in figure 1. A gray fence lies behind the tree in figure 1, whereas in figure 2 there is no fence. All of the ground is covered with snow in figure 1. In contrast, the snow covers most of the ground but not all of it in figure 2. Both figures show another tree to the right of the interspecific interaction between the tree and moss. However, in figure 1 this tree to the right appears larger than the tree to the right in figure 2. The Integrated Science Building is present in both photos. But likewise, this building appears larger in figure 2 in comparison to figure 1. Overall there are 9 differences between the two figures in regards to the contents of the photos.
I would suggest forming paragraphs for your results section for better format and organization.
You should break your result
You should break your result section into different paragraph and each paragraph should focus on specific differences observed.
Figure should always be capitalized!