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Perfect Paragraph 6

Submitted by lpotter on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 10:36

The expected results were that gram positive endospores would survive pasteurization at 70 degrees celsius for 15 minutes. Endospores were expected to be isolated because the isolated microorganisms were coming from a soil sample. Soil is relatively low in nutrients and nutrient deprivation is what causes endospores to form. Some bacteria have the ability to produce endospores by sporulation. Because endospores are dehydrated (leaving them metabolically inactive) and covered in a thick layer consisting of peptidoglycan and proteins, they are able to withstand high temperatures. The soil samples were pasteurized at 70 degrees celsius in hopes that all vegetative cells would be killed and only protected endospores would be left. The endospores were expected to be gram positive due to their thick peptidoglycan layer, a defining characteristic of gram positive organisms.



You should reformat some of your sentences so you are not repeating certain words. For example, you could change the third sentence to: Soil has relatively low amounts of nutrients, which promotes endospore growth. 

I would open with a sentence introducing your topic to the reader

Overall a very good paragraph. Just grammar-wise, remember to add a comma before conjunctions between two independent clauses.