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PP Week 4

Submitted by angelinamart on Fri, 02/15/2019 - 09:55

The experiment to unboil an egg was performed in the UC Irvine’s lab. The fascinating idea of unboiling an egg mesmerized my research group to repeat the procedure provided by UC Irvine with some modifications to visually understand the denaturation and renaturation of proteins through an egg. We spent about a month renaturing the protein by using a chemical called Urea. We saw the boiled egg dissolving into solution, and had reversed its state into a raw egg. We also placed the  egg  into the gel electrophoresis to separate the protein and the molecular weight to compare it with the raw egg. 




Passive voice should be avoided, for exmaple "had reversed".  You could also add some more details about your experiment to ellaborate.

It is possible to describe more about the procedure and what conclusions came from this experiment. How did renatured egg compare to a raw egg?

-instead of "by using" I would say "with" because it sounds more fluid

-don't switch from a passive to an active voice