The larvae that I received at the end of the first class had turned into a cocoon on the 26th of January. On the 6th of February , after being in a cocooned state for 11 days, a fly emerged from the cocoon. The fly has four legs and two manible looking like structures. There are two transparent wings on the dorsal side of the fly. The compound eyes are orange in color and body was fuzzy, black and round. The fly was transferred from a small 2 oz container to a transparent cup with a lid. Upon observing the fly over time, all the fly does is cling to the sides of the cup. The fly clings to the side of the container and shifts around once in a while. The challenging part at this point is to find a way to open the container to give the fly some food. There is a risk of the fly getting out of the container and into the open world.
Sentence structure
Some of your sentences could be combined to give the paragraph better flow and minimize the amount of times you have to say "the fly".
When describing physical features, you do your reader a favor by doing so in a way that combines both specificity and simplicity. As a reader, I am unsure what "two manible looking like structures" are.
Avoid colloquial forms of language in your paragraph (example you use "I" in the first sentence, and "like") which makes your writing dift away from a more serious scientific tone.