The organism appears to be about an inch in length and had small rings circling its entire body. These rings protruded from its body. The organism tends to stick to moving around the perimeter of the container by digging one end of its body onto the surface and dragging the rest of its body forward. The end it uses to move contained a small tip where the width of the organism ended up thinning out. This tip was black and sensed the surrounding area before it continued moving. The other end of the organism is a lot thicker and contains two red dots that frame the end. The overall color of the organism is a light tan and it contains a translucent shiny layer around the cloudy interior. The organism appears to be a larva of some sort.
Scientific writing is usually
Scientific writing is usually written in the past tense, so I might change some of your verbs to fit with this. Otherwise, your writing flows nicely!
Good suggestion
Good suggestion!
small change
When you talk about the tip of the organism and how it moves from that side, I would suggest switching "this tip" to "the tip".