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Description of larval specimen

Submitted by cnwokemodoih on Fri, 01/25/2019 - 15:41

Superficially, the specimen appears to be a light brownish color. The specimen has a segmented body, with about 10 segments in total. The specimen is bilaterally symmetrical along the anterior-posterior axis, meaning that if the specimen were to be folded along just this axis, two similar sides will be observed. The anterior end is the side that leads during forward motion; the posterior side is on the opposite end. Posteriorly, there are two dot-like structures called spiracles. They constitute the respiratory apparatus of the specimen. The ends of the specimen appear to be darker that the more medial segments. As such, the medial parts are more translucent. The specimen is responsive to visual stimulus (flashes of light), indicating the presence of visual-sensory structures. Relative to its surrounding, the specimen appears to move in a transverse wave-like manner while also employing some elements of longitudinal wave motion along its anterior-posterior axis. The internal organs of the specimen appear to be surrounded by exoskeleton. I presume that this gives the specimen a level of protection from predators, when in its natural habitat, and mechanical injury.
Along the abdominal region, there are hair-like structures. Perhaps these render sensory functions to the specimen.



Your word choices were simple enough for readers to follow along. I liked how you focused on few major observation that stood out during that 30 minutes of observation. For improvement I think you should not use "I" in your paragraph since science papers have to be written in third person passive voice. Also the last sentence could be in the same paragraph instead of being separated as one independent sentence. 

Is the last sentence part of the one paragraph? Or a separate paragraph? A "perfect paragraph" should be a single paragraph.

The first paragraph is written very well, but then you have this awkward sentence that talks about something else to end the paragraph (and it's separated from the rest of the paragraph). 
Good job including an expansion of thought based off phenotypic observations.