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DNA Extraction and Quantification Discussion PP

Submitted by ewinter on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 17:37

The average A260/280 ratio of 2.05 for the untreated samples is consistent with RNA, indicating presence of RNA in these samples, as expected.  The average A260/280 ratio for RNase treated samples was 1.60, while the accepted ratio for pure DNA is approximately 1.8.  This is slightly low to be convinced that the RNase treated sample is pure DNA.  The 260/230 ratio average of 0.60 for RNase treated samples further justifies the impurity of the samples, because a pure nucleic acid should have a 260/230 ratio that is higher than the 260/280 ratio [7].  On the gel, the consistent presence of bands slightly above the 10,000 base pair marker indicates the presence of genomic DNA in the samples.  In the RNase untreated samples, the fields of discoloration below the 500 base pair marker indicate the presence of RNA.  The RNase treated samples did not show these fields, indicating that the RNase worked to degrade the RNA to small enough lengths such that it was unnoticeable on the gel.  Although the RNA did not appear on the RNase treated gel, small RNA fragments were still in the solution even after RNase treatment because nothing was done to remove them.  This fact likely helps to explains the NanoDrop results indicating impurities for the RNase treated samples, although it is possible that there were additional cellular components left over as well.  The calculated amount of nucleic acids extracted was 15,720 ng.  The gel indicated the presence of both DNA and RNA in the untreated samples of the extract, and NanoDrop measurements indicated impurities that include RNA and possibly other cellular components.  Therefore, the actual amount of genomic DNA extracted from B. distachyon is likely far less than this value. 

Response to "The long and short of hearing in Mosquito, aedes aegypt."

Submitted by cbbailey on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 16:52

This experiment tested both the range as well as frequency and amplitute of the sounds that male mosquitos would react to. It was conducted by starting from one metere away and at 50Hz, play sound for 300 ms and recordign if there was a response. This was reapeated 16 tiems for each frequency and was tested in 1-- Hz incramintes up to 2050 Hz. This was then repeated for 4 different amplitudes at the same distance and then the whole experiment was repeated twicewit hthe sound at distances 5M and 10M. The results of this showed that there were responses at certain frequncies  at all of the distances even 10M. This is a big deal due to the fact that the previous assumtion was that hair based auditory organs were only functional up to 10s of centimeters. This experiment shows us one of these auditory organs functioning at 10 meteres away. This discovery is exciting due to the fact thatt it opens up a whole new area for microphonedesign at a potentially much smaller size that current microphone tech allows.


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Perfect Paragraph

Submitted by cslavin on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 16:35

The rate of photosynthesis is primarily limited by light level and carbon uptake. However, resource availability and competition can also limit tree growth. Trees need water and nutrients in order to grow. Specifically, trees need nitrogen and phosphorus in large amounts. These nutrients are often needed in greater quantities than available in soil. Nitrogen, which is needed for growth, reproduction, and photosynthesis, exists in organic and inorganic forms. Trees can only uptake two major inorganic forms, nitrate and ammonium. Therefore, trees have to rely on nitrogen-fixing organisms in order to obtain the large quanity of nitrogen necessary for survival. Likewise, phosphorus can exist in organic and inorganic forms and is not always available for uptake by the tree. Phosphorus binds tightlyto particles in the soil that make it hard for the trees to access, so trees also have to rely on water flow in order to receive most of their phosphorus. They can also get it from microbial activity or decomposition of microbes or other organisms. In addition to nutrients, soil composition effects the amount of water a tree can access.  Large soil particles hold a greater amount of water than coarse soils. Since nitrogen is taken up by roots mainly through bulk transport, particle size can limit the amount of water and minerals taken up by trees. Soil also effects tree growth through cation exchange capacity. A soil that has a large cation exchange capacity is able to attract and hold ammonium, reducing the amount of nitrogen leached from the soil. 

Larvae to Fly

Submitted by alanhu on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 16:28

The larvae that I received at the end of the first class had turned into a cocoon on the 26th of January. On the 6th of February , after being in a cocooned state for 11 days, a fly emerged from the cocoon. The fly has four legs and two manible looking like structures. There are two transparent wings on the dorsal side of the fly. The compound eyes are orange in color and body was fuzzy, black and round. The fly was transferred from a small 2 oz container to a transparent cup with a lid. Upon observing the fly over time, all the fly does is cling to the sides of the cup. The fly clings to the side of the container and shifts around once in a while. The challenging part at this point is to find a way to open the container to give the fly some food. There is a risk of the fly getting out of the container and into the open world. 


Biochemistry lecture

Submitted by cslavin on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 16:26

Today in biochemistry we learned about the charges of amino acids and the effect that those charges have on structure. Acidic and basic amino acids have R-groups that can ionize. The individual R-groups have different pKa values at which they deprotonate. Each peptide chain also has an N-terminus at the front of the chain and C-terminus at the end which are cabale of ionizing. Certain amino acids cannot be next to each other on peptide chains due to opposing charges. When two positively or two negatively amino acids are next to each other, they will repel each other. This greatly effects the structure of the protien. This is a problem because protein structure determines its function. Therefore, if there are structural issues then this will effect the overall function of the protien. 

Sleep Dependent Memory Consolidation

Submitted by lgarneau on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 16:08

Multiple studies have come to the conclusion that post-learning sleep enhances the consolidation of memories. Specific memories post-learning sleep consolidates are declarative, procedural and emotional. Additionally, memory function can be divided into three categories including encoding, consolidation, and retrieval. Encoding refers to writing new learning material to the brain that has been experienced throughout the previous day. These newly acquired memories are then brought through the process of consolidation. These fresh memories are strengthened and adapted into a stable and more permanent form that is then able to be integrated into already developed knowledge networks. Consolidated memories then remain dormant and easily accessible for later retrieval when they needed to be recalled.

Discussion for Chem lab

Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 15:15

The starting materials were reacted using conditions specific to the reaction being performed and the target product was obtained in 35.7% yield. This number is low, so it is not likely that pure cyclohexene was obtained through this experiment. The experimental boiling point was determined to be 70°, which is not what it should be, as the actual boiling point if Cyclohexene was 83°. The GC run showed a reaction time of .207 which is too low to be Cyclohexene.Also, based on the IR abortion, there was a peak for an aromatic ring and for a C-H bond. Based on the bromide test and the potassium permanganate alkanes should be present. The color from the bromide test was brown and there was precipitate on the bottom. The potassium permanganate test showed up purple. So both of the tests ran by the TA expressed that pure cyclohexane was not formed, but the test that were done chemically showed that it was formed. 

Modern Medicine

Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 15:06


            The field of study that interests me most is modern medicine. I am a biology student on the pre-med track and hope to one day attend med school. Ideally, I picture myself as an emergency room physician, so the state of the art technology that can help a person right an away interest me. Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to be a doctor so that I can help people who need it. I always feel useless when someone gets hurt and there is nothing I can do to make them better, so I’m going to change that. Also, I’m very interested in the human body and how everything works together. So, combining my want to help people and my interest of human anatomy modern medicine is the field that suits me the best.

Behavioral and Climate Ecology

Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 15:04

There are many benefits to fully understanding behavioral and climate ecology. Behavioral ecology helps people to understand the world around them better. Not only will we be better able to understand the interactions and behaviors of animals, but it could also translate to how we handle situations with other humans. After all, we are just large mammals, and we have many of the same behavioral patterns, even though they may be more complex. I feel as though a better understanding of behavioral ecology will allow for a better understanding of social interactions in general. Climate ecology is a trending topic right now. There is a very concerted effort in the world to try and reduce the climate change that’s going on. Having a better understanding of climate ecology will allow more people to understand why it is so important that global warming and climate change be reduced. If more people understand why climates are so important and why they must remain how they have always been, then there will be more people willing to help solve this issue. If more people are helping, then we may get closer to a solution. Overall, I believe that having a good understanding of behavioral and climate ecology will allow for positive impacts on our society as well on the earth itself.

Substance Free dorms Perfect Paragraph

Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 15:02

   I believe that substance free dorms are a good idea but unfortunately, they are a bit misguided. In the article about UVM it talks about the students making the judgement on their own is not enough and I disagree with that point. Kids that are going to college are there to learn. Not just academic learning in their classes but also learn how to interact socially and live their lives on their own. If students are told to do something and how to do it in every form of their life, they won’t learn how to conduct themselves without guidance. People need to live and learn. As a person, you learn from good and bad situations in your life. Students need to learn how to drink and stay away from things that will impact their education and lives. If students are controlled like this in college they will not know what to do with themselves when they get into the real world.


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