Protein is another macronutrient necessary to promote the health of the body. The body’s growth, repairing of cells, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs are all essential functions of the protein, therefore adequate amounts of protein in the diet is necessary to the optimal function of the body. My current food intake indicates a relatively steady amount of protein in my diet, at approximately 21 percent of the total calories I consume in one day. Overall, based on the two days of documenting my food intake, the main sources of protein are chicken, eggs, fish, and pork. The fish, unfortunately, was fried with batter, making a great source of protein that comes along with unnecessary amounts of fat, so in future meals I know to choose fish that’s steamed or cooked differently.The chicken is chicken breast and the pork was a lean piece of boneless pork chop, both relatively healthy options of protein, low in fat and sodium showing that the quality of the protein intake is quite well. Although those options of poultry and chicken are great, I could aim to expand my options and include beans, and nuts to obtain all the essential amino acids. Red meats, like beef, are excluded from being categorized as a healthy protein for it is much higher in saturated fats4. Harvard School of Public Health reported that the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease increased with increased consumptions of red meats, supported with evidence from a study that shows the risk of dying from cardiovascular increasing by 13 percent with every additional 3-ounce serving of red meat4.
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Perfect Paragraphs
Each week, post your own Perfect Paragraph and comment on three Perfect Paragraphs. Suggest improvements. Don't just say "Looks good."
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- Looks good! I think it would 6 years 1 week ago
- Looks good! It might be 6 years 1 week ago
- Looks good! Maybe add a 6 years 1 week ago
- Unless this was done in a 6 years 1 week ago
- Rather than saying your 6 years 1 week ago
- Clarification regarding comments 6 years 1 week ago
- I think the scientific names 6 years 1 week ago
- I would proofread for grammar 6 years 1 week ago
- I think the first comma in 6 years 1 week ago
- Well written paragraph. My 6 years 1 week ago
Nice job! Very informative. I
Nice job! Very informative. I would suggest changing this sentence to break it up: "in that comes along with unnecessary amounts of fat, so in future meals I know to choose fish that’s steamed or cooked differently." It sounds like a run-on sentence. Other than that, great paragraph!
Double Check
In the sentence "...those options of poultry and chicken are great..." you use redundant terms. Chicken is a form of poultry so keep an eye out for redundant speech.
this pragraph was well
this pragraph was well elaborated and watch out for the run on sentences, but over all it was a well written paragraph