Glucose vs Fatty acid Energy Source
The primary energy source for the body is glucose. However, fatty acid metabolism yeilds more energy per carbon. This is largely because a fatty acid is more reduced than a glucose molecule. That is, it can be oxidized more, having its electrons stripped and therefore yielding more energy. Fatty acid synthesis typically yeilds a chain of 16 carbons (via fatty acid synthase). Overall the oxidation of a fatty acid yeilds 6 ATP, 31 NADH and 15 FADH2. Glucose on the other hand yeilds 4 ATP, 10 NADH and 2 FADH2. The additional FADH2 and NADH can be used in the ETC to generate ATP. This energy excess from glucose produces a total of 28 ATP from the ETC, while fatty acid oxidation (from a 16 carbon chain) will yield 100 ATP from the ETC. This averages out to about 5.3 ATP per carbon in a glucose molecule and 6.6 ATP per carbon in a fatty acid molecule.
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