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Submitted by mtracy on Fri, 11/16/2018 - 11:16

Percomorpha is a vast group of fishes and the groups contained within it are heavily debated and ever changing. Some simply state that it contains "perch like fish." However that is like saying a peperoni pizza looks like a pizza as the perches themselves are a group within the percomorphs. This group contains the families: Batrachoidae, Centraichidae, Percidae, and so forth. The Batrachoidae are the toadfish. These fish have broad eyes which are dorsally oriented so they may peek above the water. This fish also has the ability to make sound using its swimbladder. Centrachidae are the sunfish. These fish are laterally compressed and have a continues dorsal fin with 5-13 spines. These are fish such as the largemouth and smallmouth bass. The perceidae are the Perches. Perches live in temperate freshwater bodies and are a highly diverse group. Examples of perch include the yellow perch, white perch, and walleye.
