I entered Morrill 2 from the front of the building, the side facing the rest of campus. I went up one flight of stairs and walked to the back stairwell and left through that door. I was now facing the area of campus where Frank dining hall is. At 9:55 in the morning, I took a picture of the spider web in the bottom left corner of the glass door. I was standing outside and saw a web in the corner of the glass frame. I squatted like a duck and held the back of my ucard up to the web, at this time there was a little spider. I held my ucard so that the back was facing me and the Ucard logo was at the top, I held it vertically. In the image, the ucard is on the left of the spider web and the ucard was held up to the metal corner of the window frame so that it was touching. The black rubber edging of the glass is about centered in the picture I took. I then backed up and stood on the curb where the sidewalk ends that is directly across from the doors and took a picture that shows the entire doorway and part of the building. For the map, I googled “umass amherst campus map” on my iphone and clicked on the first link which brought me to a pdf of the campus, in the upper left hand corner it said “UMass Amherst General Location Campus Map September 2018”. I took a screenshot of this and then in my photos I edited this and cropped the image so that it showed only the Integrative Learning Center, the campus pond, the Fine Arts Center, Morrill Science Center and Wilder, University Club, Shade Tree Lab and Clark. I then clicked on the three little dots in a circle on the edit screen and chose the highlighter marker and made it red. I then made a circle around Morrill 2 and made a dot near the back entrance where I took the pictures of the spider.
Once I had all the pictures I emailed them to myself and opened them in Inkscape. They all opened individually so I copied and pasted two of the images into one of the inkscapes so that this inkscape had all 3 images. The picture of the campus map was placed in the top left corner right next to the image of the doors to Morrill. Underneath those two I placed the picture of the spider web. The map was located with position x=2.170, y=1124.41 and had a height of 508.249 and a width of 421.103. The image of Morrill had a position x=423.046, y=1124.41 and a width of 421.103 and a height of 508.249. The image of the spider had position x=2.170, y= -1.492 and a height of 1128.872 and a width of 841.979. Overall, all three images were positioned at x=2.170, y= -1.492, a height of 1634.161 and a width of 841.979. Each image had a letter in size 48 sans serif black font. The map had the capital letter “A” located at x=30, y=1550. The Morrill had the capital letter “B” located at x=450, y= 1550. The spider image had a capital letter “C” located at x=30 and y=1055. I then saved the final image.
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