Methods first part
In order to obtain a picture of a spider, I had to find a spot where it would be likely for a spider to build a web. I went through a couple failures first. I left the Biology Computer Lab and exited Morrill, then headed to the right continuing down North Pleasant Street to the building Hasbrouck. I entered Hasbrouck through the entrance off of North Pleasant, and went straight down the stairs when I got inside and down to the basement floor of Hasbrouck. Hasbrouck is an older building and I knew that they had a couple vending machines right up against the corners of the wall in the basement, which I thought would be a prime spot for spider webs. Unfortunately, I did not have any luck. I exited Hasbrouck through the basement exit and went straight outside to the Lincoln Campus center, and continued walking straight until I walked out of the building. I checked the vegetation outside of the campus center, but failed to find spider webs there. I continued walking straight and then took a left and headed to the front side with the entrance (side facing inward toward campus, not toward the ILC) of the Student Union, where I noticed there was a big black pot containing a plant in front of each of the four columns attached to the building by the entrance. I went to the one that was closest to me, at the end nearest the Lincoln Campus Center. I first checked the vegetation itself, but did not see a spider. I then crouched down and checked the small space between the back of the pot and the column itself, thinking that would be a good spot for a spider web to be nestled. I did not see one, but as I turned away I noticed a spider on the pot itself. The pot had vertical ridges around its circumference, and the web was nestled in between two of of them that were actually right above a small patch of other vegetation that was just growing on the ground. I crouched back down so that I was directly parallel to the spider. I extended my arm out so that iPhone Camera was about 4 inches away from the spider and zoomed in on my camera 1/4 of the maximum level of zooming in. I focused the camera by tapping my iPhone screen a few times until it was focused and took a picture. I then took a picture of the pot full of vegetation for reference, and another picture of the whole front of the Student Union Building.
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