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Submitted by amdicicco on Fri, 09/21/2018 - 14:15

Figure 1. The Environment of a Giraffe: A giraffe stands in its environment. The environment is covered in grasses and has many bushes and trees. The sky is blue and void of clouds. "Giraffe" flickr photo by Rachel Hobday shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

image figure

Submitted by kruzzoli on Fri, 09/21/2018 - 14:15

Figure 1. Giraffe in Nature. The giraffe is standing in the middle of the picture with his body parallel to the photographer, his neck twisted and facing the camera. He is covered in light brown spots that sit on a beige body. He seems to stand as tall as the trees and the grass is tall so that it covers his feet. "Giraffe" flickr photo by Rachel Hobday shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license.

Figure Legend Practice

Submitted by mtracy on Fri, 09/21/2018 - 14:14

Jumping spider banding

Figure 1. Banding pattern on jumping spider.

The legs of the spider has five dark colored bands spaced fairly equally over each one. Additional dark bands reach horizontally across the abdomen of the spider.

"Don't Blink I'll Jump" fkickr photo by Mike Keeling shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Drosophila figure legend

Submitted by yurigarcia on Fri, 09/21/2018 - 14:14





Marzia and I found a picture of a Drosophila a common “fruit fly” used in lab experiments as an easy way to test many things in lab. I noticed is that this particular fly has orange eyes. It’s body color is like a tan color. It’s abdomen is white. It is very hairy. It has 6 legs.The picture was taken by Keegan Bowen posted on Flickr.

Drosophila Figure Legend (MM)

Submitted by mmaliha on Fri, 09/21/2018 - 14:13

(Taken by Keegan Bowen, on September 30, 2011; accessed from on September 21st, 2018)

Figure 1. The male drosophila melanogaster possesses a prominent rectal disc. The male drosophila melanogaster, more commonly known as a fruit fly, possess the same anatomy as a female drosophila melanogaster aside from its rectal disc. The male has a prominent black genital disc with surrounding black bristles. Even in a side profile, as pictured above, the rectal disc is visible and distinguishes the male drosophila from its female counterpart. 

Jumping Spider Legend

Submitted by msalvucci on Fri, 09/21/2018 - 14:13

Figure 1. Jumping Spider. This jumping spider has four horn-like projections on the head. Two of the horns protude vertically from the top of the middle eyes, and the other two horns stick out horizontally from sides of the outer eyes. "Don't blink i'll jump." flickr photo by Mike Keeling shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

In-class Figure

Submitted by curbano on Fri, 09/21/2018 - 14:12

Figure 1. The appearance of a tarantula. The imagine shows a tarantula sitting next to a ruler for scale. The tarantula is a dark brown and it has eight long, thick legs. The legs have several hairs on its legs. The two body segments of the spider are similar in size and very wide. At the end of the second segment, there are two spinnerets for making webs.

“male goliath birdeater 111508 011” flickr photo  by John Shared under Creative Commons (BY) license.


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