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In class creature draft

Submitted by cbbailey on Fri, 01/25/2019 - 15:45

This creature is around 1  inch long and is a pale yellow color that is has some reddish brown marking one one end. Its body is divided into roughly 15 segments of differing sizes. The segments on the ends are the smallest and increase with size untill that largest segment in the middle of the body. Each segment has 2 small, brown dots on either side of it. On the side with the reddish brown coloration, there are small pointed legs compared to the rest of the body which has flat and very short "legs". Using the longer pointed legs, this creature uses moves the top half of its body around as if it observing the nearby area and then by contracting its body and using the flats legs it pushes itself forward. The creatuere would generally take a bit of time exploring with the red side and then switch and move around to a different location in the cup. While it did make a couple trips around the cup, The creature always stayed along the cups walls and never ventured into the center. One possibility for this might have bbe nthat the center of the cup was slightly more elevated than the outside resulting in most of the food to be scattered along the walls. At one moment the creature contracted just the last couple of segments of the non reddish end a deposited a small piece of some substance. Based on the behavior of the Reddish end, where its appears to be obsering the enviorment I would assume that The reddish brown end would include the mouth and sensory organs while the other side would be resposible for waste deposition.
