The object in the container is a worm-like organism. It is small, no longer than a finger nail. The body is the narrowest at the head and continues to widen slightly all the way down the body. The organism has a darker head and appears to have an external, hard shell that is a yellowish and clear color. There appears to be a white, squishy tissue inside of that shell and two dots at the end of the body that look like eyes. It is legless and propels its body by elongating portions at the end of the body that travel up to the head. This motion is similar to a slinky. When the organism is flipped upside down it clings to the floor and does not fall unless the container is shaken. It is very active and has only taken one motionless break which lasted a couple minutes.
An improvement may be to use
An improvement may be to use specific units where possible. Following "no longer than a finger nail," provide an estimate, perhaps 1cm.
possible improvements :)
I think that your use of examples of visual comparisons of the "worm-like" organism to objects readers might be familiar with is very useful in scientific writing. These comparisons help readers visually imagine this creature in which you are observing. Possibly having a more structure to the observational writing will add a bit more fluidity to help follow your descriptions and characteristics of the organism.
You could of avoided using
You could of avoided using "object", since it is a "worm like organism" inside of the container.