The organism's body moves in a clear tandem, often displaying repetitive motions as it moves. Both ends of the organism move, yet, they seem as if they are separately controlled. It is like each end has a mind of its own. It has many little legs and displays odd body movements at times. The organism’s body appears to exhibit bilateral symmetry. Every so often, it stops to ingest some of the food present. The body is made up of segments, similar to millipedes. The end with the head contains darker pigmentation. There are small, brown spots along both sides of the body. There are short hairs along the body. It moves solely around the perimeter of the container. Two tiny legs are present at the end of the body that seem to expand and contract. The front six legs appear to point out, more like true legs, whereas the ten back legs are flatter and more circular. It can rollover if stuck on its side or back. There are two segments between the front and back legs that contain no legs.
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