Herbivore preference was analyzed by a t-test using the proportion of leaf consumed as the response. We analyzed the percent of each of the leaves eaten. Separate t-tests were conducted for the high and low fertilizer dishes. There was a significant difference in low fertilized dishes in preference of damage leaves (M = 0.53268571, SE = 0.06349263) versus control leaves (M = 0.65528214, SE = 0.06625825) conditions; t (27) = -2.1323, P = 0.0422, described in Figure 3. There was also a difference in high fertilized dishes in preference of damage leaves (M = 0.7668286, SE = 0.0507239) versus control leaves (M = 0.64629524, SE = 0.06687644) conditions; t (20) = -1.816, P = 0.0844.
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