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Independent study

Submitted by cnwokemodoih on Fri, 05/03/2019 - 09:11

This semester, I learned how to genotype zebrafish. I had never genotyped before, so performing the steps regularly helped me to understand the process better. I learned how to analyze and interpret fragment analysis data. Importantly, I became more comfortable with running gels. Its importance lies in the fact that we run gels so often in the lab and it is an essential skill to have.  I also performed some TOPO-cloning, chemical transformation, inoculation and plasmid extraction, alone for the first time. This gave me more confidence to execute these processes in the future. Presenting before other members of the lab allowed me to get a feel of what it is like to make a scientific presentation. I learned not just from my presentation but from everyone else’s presentation. The feedback I received played an enormous role in my learning process here.
