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Pleistocene Park (2)

Submitted by nalexandroum on Wed, 05/01/2019 - 18:00

As a theoretical concept I think Pleistocene Park is very interesting, but although premise behind grasslands slowing the Arctic thaw may hold merit, I don’t think it’s feasible as a solution for climate change at present. Climate change is such a time-sensitive and pressing concern, and the proposed project could take decades upon decades, with no certain guarantee of success—time which we no longer have. Although we can approximate most of the megafauna that actively drove the expansion of the Pleistocene grasslands, we cannot reintroduce the exact same species and this could mean failure of the project. There is no guarantee that introducing all the components of a Pleistocene ecosystem (or as close enough as we can get) will result in an identical recreation, and we may instead z be left with an ecosystem that resembles neither the Pleistocene, nor any modern-day ecosystem.
