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GMO Discussion 3

Submitted by cbbailey on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 19:35

The third issue we wanted to figure out a public opinion for was the level of general education for GMOs in food. Our first question for this was question 8 was to determine general knowledge on the prevalence on how common GMO’s are in our current society. This question showed us intesting results, while the vast majority of answers, 82.5% , agreed with the question that over 50% of processed foods contained Genetic modifications only 45% Strongly agreed that it was over 50%. This leads us with a majority of 55% percent that either thought the statement was incorrect or was not sure that it was correct. The second question for this issue was question 9 consumers on genetically modified foods. This question was answered with a OVERWHELMING majority with 97.5% agreeing with the question, 85% of that was strongly agreeing. This makes sense as more education on a topic leads to people having a better understanding of both the benefits and drawbacks of the situation leading them to be able to make a more informed decision non matter which side they land on.
