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Draft: Lab Report 4 I

Submitted by aspark on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 04:44

On R, the leaf, root, and stem gene expression data were plotted (Figure 5), and a T-test was performed for both the leaf, root, and stem relative expressions and stress response gene expression data. The T-test resulted in p-values of 0.00408 for root versus stem, 0.0008745 for root versus leaf, and 8.741x10-6 for leaf versus stem. All of these p-values were lower than the Bonferroni correction p-value cut-off of 0.01667, meaning there was a significant statistical difference in all three comparisons of gene expression between the tissues (Figure 5). The T-test on the stress response expression resulted in p-values of 0.1951 for CS versus HS, 0.03036 for CS versus DS, 0.8509 for CS versus SS, 0.0069 for HS versus DS, 0.16 for HS versus SS, and 0.04488 for DS versus SS. Only the p-value of HS versus DS was lower than the Bonferroni correction p-value cut-off of 0.008333, meaning there was only a significant statistical difference between the gene expression levels under heat stress and drought stress (Figure 4).
