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Milestones in Life

Submitted by tokiokobayas on Wed, 04/17/2019 - 19:57

    The reality is that everybody achieves milestones at different parts in life. Nobody is at the same point in life, and nobody’s path in life should be determined by comparing yourself to other people. While it may be true that we go through the first 17, 18 years of our lives through schooling, schooling is sort of given to us as children as sort of a guide. But there’s this expectation that we are supposed to go through public schooling, then attend college, and then get a job right out of college. We cannot emulate the exact same thing our parents did, and most of us don’t want to even do what our parent did. Even if we did want to do what our parents did, time’s have changed and circumstances have changed; especially with when our parents immigrated when their circumstances were so drastically different. There are a lot of times when we experience things like a quarter-life crisis, because we feel lost; but feeling lost is a part of life and everyone goes at a different speed in life. Some people get cars and mansions by they’re 18, while other people may still have trouble moving out when they’re 25, and that’s totally okay. We all walk different paths in life, and it’s difficult to come to that understanding when you’re going through social media and see people who are doing so much ‘better’ than you, when in reality you’re more than likely doing what’s exactly beneficial for yourself, as long as you’re making a conscious effort to move forward.
