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Psychology of the Human Brain

Submitted by kwarny on Mon, 04/15/2019 - 13:28

The structure of the brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body that psychologists continue to research for deeper explanations and understanding of how it functions. Communication in the brain occurs between neurons that transmit messages electrically within a neuron and chemically between neurons. Messages travel down a neuron from the dendrites that receive a message and down the axon of the neuron down to the synaptic cleft where the chemicals are dispensed. The synaptic cleft is a designated area for chemicals to be released from a neuron and  transmitted to the next. Chemicals bind to the corresponding receptors of the next neuron to be stimulated and continue its path throughout the brain. Chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine are transmitted throughout the brain. Serotonin relates to sleep, eating, and one’s mood, which are important for proper function and well-being of a human.
