This disease known as the African sleeping sickness seems to affect a majority of sub-Saharan African countries. Tsetse flies are the main cause of this transmission of infection to individuals living within these countries. I thought it was interesting that these flies only inhabit tropical Africa and are large biting parasites that live by feeding on the blood of animals. The blood of the animals is where initially the flies themselves are infected. I also think that because of the scarce and in availability to the treatment of this disease is how the spread of the disease continues to infect so many individuals. There has been a reduced number of new cases since 2009 which used to be 10,000, meaning that the research and discovery of treatments and medications is helping the countries infected. The goal of this renovated medication is to stop the disease at an earlier stage and prevent the widespread of infection. Because the disease can be fatal, I think that with an earlier treatment could help prevent the loss of many human lives as well.
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