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Metastatic Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Submitted by ewinter on Fri, 03/29/2019 - 11:43

Mitra et al. did a nice experiment in which they antagonized the CAF phenotype of the three micro RNAs mentioned.  In CAFs, reversal of miR-31 and miR-214 downregulation and reversal of miR-155 upregulation caused reversion of CAFs to a normal phenotype.  Designing a treatment based off of these results seems like a logical plan.  We will use liposomal delivery to insert complementary miR-31 and miR-214 as well as a complementary strand to miR-155.  Fibroblast activated protein (FAP) and a-smooth muscle actin (aSMA) are two cell surface antigens of epithelial ovarian cancer CAFs (Mhawech-Fauceglia et. al).  We will engineer a liposome with monoclonal antibodies that can bind to these two cell surface antigens in order to target the CAFs.  
