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Ethogram Methods

Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 03/28/2019 - 12:29

To conduct a time budget analysis, the entire 48 minutes and 55 seconds of footage was scored using the seven behavioral categories obtained in part one. Three specific bouts of behavior were also chosen to be scored: a playful bout, a bucking bout, and a standing still bout. The playful bout would be scored every time the horse approached with head up, nipped at a foal, and trotted away in that sequence. The bucking bout was categorized by ears back, bucking, and running away. The standing still bout was scored when the foal would survey, stomp hoof at the ground, sniff, and then graze. In addition, modifiers were used to determine the context each behavior occurred in; 1 being the foal behavior when alone, 2 the foal behavior with the other foal, and 3 the foal behavior in all contexts. This determined the percentage of time the foals spent in each behavioral category.

