The ab initio program FGENESH predicted that the mRNA is 2229 nucleotides spanning 7 exons (Fig. 1-A). The homology-based program Phytozome predicted that the mRNA is 3193 nucleotides spanning 9 exons (Fig. 1-B). FGENESH predicted that the protein is 742 amino acids long (Fig. 2-A). Phytozome predicted the protein is 847 amino acids long (Fig. 2-B). In both gene maps, exons 1, 2, and 3 cover the exact same regions. Exons 4 and 5 in the Phytozome prediction are predicted introns in the FGENESH output. Exon 6 of the Phytozome output begins 14 bases after the beginning of exon 4 of the FGENESH output and they end at the same place. Phytozome predicted exons 5, 6, and 7 are identical to FGENESH predicted exons 7, 8, and 9 respectively. In the FGENESH and Phytozome predicted protein sequences, amino acid positions 1-437 are exactly homologous. FGENESH positions 442-742 are exactly homologous to Phytozome positions 547-847. The discrepancy between the two peptide is that the FGENESH amino acid contains ‘KSLQ’ at positions 438-441, which is replaced in the Phytozome output by a set of 109 amino acids occupying positions 438-546. Nowhere does this sequence of 109 amino acids contain ‘KSLQ.’
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