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Submitted by alanhu on Tue, 03/26/2019 - 12:13

Ink is secreted through two glands, the ink sac, and the funnel organ. Ink sacs were evolved by proliferation, rapid reproduction of cells, of the lower intestine. The cells of the hind gut were proliferated and mutated into the ink sacs and within those ink sacs, there are ink glands. The ink glands are where ink is released into the ink sac lumen for storage. The funnel organ is the gland where the mucus part of the ink is produced. The funnel organ is composed of two lateral pads of epithelial tissue. The epithelial tissues contain secretory cells that release the mucus. Mucus is a polymer of mucous and serous cells. Serous cells are made up of bodily fluids that resemble a serum. Mucous and serous cells are made up of inorganic salts and enzymes which do not mix together, therefore, it is a colloid. Which is why mucus is chunky and sticky. The ink that is being released is a mix between the melanin produced from the ink glands and the mucus from the funnel organ.
