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Forced Parcipitation Is Unnecessary

Submitted by tokiokobayas on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 01:44

    The inclusion of participation inside a classroom for a grade is the most bizarre and unnecessary thing required out of most, if not all classes from the AP/IB level and above. Participation arises if the teacher is engaging enough with the material, as well as if the students themselves have questions or are not performing well. When participation is necessary, such as coming to class, it causes the students to lose lots of valuable time if they do not find the lectures beneficial. In a perfect world, professors should notify students when the lecture material will deviate from what would be available from home, so students know to come to class on those specific days. This case in point ties into why reverse classroom is becoming more popular in recent times. By having the students learn the material in their own time and their own pace, they will become able to come to class with questions from what they learned. The only reason participation is a required in most classrooms is just to make sure the course material is forced to become “engaging”. Everyone learns at a different pace and in different ways. Material does not always have to be “engaging” as long as it’s being understood.
