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Week7 PP

Submitted by mqpham on Wed, 03/13/2019 - 15:35

The aim of this experiment is to test whether or not two species of the same niche can occupy the same space and coexist. This experiment tests whether or not one of two species would outcompete the other when they both rely on the same resources. By using two floating aquatic plants, Lemna minor and Salvina molesta, two species of the same niche are brought together for the experiment. In nature, when two species of the same niche are brought together, possible outcomes include dominance by one of the species, partitioning of the environment and resources, or co-evolution, in which the species diverge from usage of the same resource. With limited time for the experiment, it is unlikely to observe evolution of the two selected species. It is therefore possible that the species may cohabitate and partition the resources so that they both thrive, or one will out-compete the other. In this experiment, we predict that one of the species will outcompete the other due to useage of the same resources.



If this is for a lab report then it should all be in past tense except for universal truths. 

You may want to break up the sentence that starts with "In nature, when two...". Maybe you could do this by saying there are many possible outcomes of the two species being in the same environment then use a seperate sentence to list them. 

Well written paragraph! Some minor details that wil help with the flow of the paragraph is determining whether or not including those "extra words" is necessary. For example, " It is therefore possible" --> "Therefore, the possibility..."