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Methods Project Discussion Perfect Paragraph

Submitted by sditelberg on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 13:39

The imaging software used to create the figures may also account for the difference in many factors between them. Figure 1 was created through Inkscape and Figure 2 may have been created through Microsoft Word. Image size differences may be explained by software as Word limits the margin sizes to one inch by default, whereas in Inkscape, the images are not bound to any range. This also explains the letter label sizing, as font size 70 in Inkscape appears differently than font size 70 in Word. Word also does not have the same centering functions of the letter labels as Inkscape, also accounting for this difference between the two figures. Discrepancies in arrow shape and size are also explained by this software difference. In Word, arrows appear blue with a large width by default. In Inkscape, one can edit the arrow color and width. The arrowheads are also different as Inkscape offers a variety to choose from of different ang while Word has the singular arrowhead of 90 degrees. The black line in Panel C and green backgrounds of images in Figure 2 may also be remnants from Word imaging that Inkscape does not possess.



Try not to use the word may just say "can be explained."

"in the factors" in the first sentence is not necessary. I would also suggest combining some of the sentences so that you are not referring back and forth to Word and Inkscape. Group the differences between them, and organize the paragraph that way maybe.