Factors that may have impacted the results are the weather, the distance from the tree, and the camera angle. The weather may have played a role in impacting the colors and contrast of the tree and moss. The original photos were taken on a muggy day before there was any snowfall. The replicate photo was taken with snowfall on the ground; the tree looks drier and the moss is not as clearly seen. The white snow could have caused the phone brightness to be greater thus resulting in the poor contrast between the moss and the tree. The distance from the tree could play a part in why the tree appears larger in the original photos than in the replicate. The replicate photos were most likely taken from a slightly greater distance from the tree causing the tree to appear smaller and the background to appear larger. The angle of the camera may have caused the proportion of the tree to be larger at the top than in the bottom in the replicate. It also may have caused some of the background differences, like the presence of the library.
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